One Piece Fan Fiction Wiki


Age 21
Gender Female
Species Human
Blood type O+
Birthdate March 2nd
Height 5'5
Weight 145
Island of Origin Lougetown
Occupation Pirate
Epithet StringZ
Crew Boogie Pirates
Position 1st Mate
Family None
Bounty 333,333,333
Dream To make people laugh

StringZ is the first mate of the Boogie Pirates.


She wears a multi-colored jester costume like most people in the crew. She also wears a mask that is always smiling since she herself in incapable of doing so. She also wears white face paint. She is slim and has black hair and ice blue eyes. She also wears a priceless neck item.


She is quiet and like to be alone. She along with most people in the crew like to make people laugh even if she isn't able to. She really cares about her crew and is willing to do anything for them.



She has a good relationship with the Boogie Pirates and enjoys spending time with them. The all have to same view and are likely to attack people they find annoying.


She is a adept martial artist and uses daggers when she attacks. She can make a dagger appear in her hand faster than most people can see. She calls it magic but it is unknown how she does it.


She is known to be able to use Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki.
